
Aluminum (Bauxite).

Areas of application in the automotive industry.

  • Main areas of application: Wrought & cast alloys for vehicle body, drive, wheels and chassis
  • Further areas of application: Vehicle equipment

The BMW Group systematically analyzes globally known and typical risks in connection with the extraction and processing of raw materials and derives appropriate measures.

Analyzing risks.

  • Environmental impact of mining residues on water, soil and air
  • Consumption of resources, especially water
  • Loss of biodiversity
  • CO2-emissions, especially during further processing (smelting)
  • Corruption and weak rule of law in specific countries
  • Violation of employee rights, e.g. freedom of association
  • Violation of human rights due to harmful dust from mines and during transport of bauxite as well as closure of mines without usable renaturation or further use (subsistence farming)
  • Endangering the rights of local communities and indigenous people

Catalog of measures.

  • Identification of ASI-certified aluminum in the supply chain, successive implementation of the ASI standard along the supply chain
  • Establishing transparency and traceability across the BMW Group’s aluminum value network
  • Identification of the recycling value stream relevant for the BMW Group and processing options



Page Overview: Aluminium