The development of the Stochastic Cognitive Model started in 2014 and has seen a lot of progress over the years. Considerable research has been carried out into driver behaviour and its modelling, which has highly contributed to its development. Furthermore, the SCM has been used in various safety assessment simulations and similar studies and projects.
Find below a list of relevant scientific publications which deal with the modelling of certain driver behaviour aspects and the simulating of realistic traffic scenarios with the Stochastic Cognitive Model:
- Ring P., Wang L., Fahrenkrog F., Jung O., Prokop G. (2017): Modelling Cognitive Driver Behavior In The Context Of Prospective Safety Assessment. 26. Aachener Kolloquium. Aachen.
- Ring P., Hammouda M., Wang L., Mai M., Prokop G. (2018): Modelling Anticipative And Predictive Driver Behavior In The Context Of Prospective Safety Assessment. 11th Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle. Graz.
- Witt M., Wang L., Fahrenkrog F., Kompass K., Prokop G. (2018): Cognitive Driver Behavior Modeling: Influence of Personality and Driver Characteristics on Driver Behavior.
- Witt M., Ring P., Wang L., Kompass K., Prokop G. (2018): Modelling stochastic gaze distribution for multi-agent traffic simulation. 7. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme. Braunschweig.
- Witt M., Kompass K., Wang L., Kates R., Mai M., Prokop G. (2019): Driver profiling – Data-based identification of driver behavior dimensions and affecting driver characteristics for multi-agent traffic simulation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 64, pages 361-376. ►
- Ring, P. (2020): Modellierung kognitiver Prozesse für ein numerisches Fahrerverhaltensmodell. Dissertation. ISBN: 9783736972384.
- Witt, M. (2021): Regressionsmodelle zur Berücksichtigung von Fahrerindividualität in der kognitiven Fahrerverhaltensmodellierung. Dissertation. ISBN: 9783736973954.
- Fries A., Fahrenkrog F. (2021): Validation and Verification of the Stochastic Cognitive Driver Model. ACI Mobility Summit. Braunschweig.
- Fries A., Fahrenkrog F., Donauer K., Mai M., Raisch F. (2022): Driver Behavior Model for the Safety Assessment of Automated Driving. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). Aachen. ►
- Fries A., Fahrenkrog F. (2022): Simulative Bewertung der Fahrzeugsicherheit mittels des Stochastic Cognitive Driver Model für das automatisierte Fahren. VDI Bericht Fahrzeugsicherheit 2022, pages 435 – 450. ►
- Fries A., Lemberg L., Fahrenkrog F., Mai M., Das A. (2023): Modeling driver behavior in critical traffic scenarios for the safety assessment of automated driving. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24:sup1, pages S105-S110. ►
- Fries A., Fahrenkrog F. (2023): Simulation realistischer Verkehrsszenarien mit dem Stochastic Cognitive Model. ATZ elektronik 18, pages 34 – 38.
As a highly sophisticated driver behaviour model developed specifically for the application in safety assessment simulations, the Stochastic Cognitive Model has already been used and is continues to be used in various major European public research projects:
- V4Safety (ongoing), see here for general information: ►
- Hi-Drive (ongoing), see here for general information: ►
- L3Pilot: ► L3Pilot-SP7-D7.4-Impact_Evaluation_Results-v1.0-for_website.pdf
- AdaptIVe: ► AdaptIVe_Final Event_Impact Assessment_Felix Fahrenkrog_20170629.pdf
Besides European research projects, the SCM has been applied by BMW in various internal use cases to assess the safety of several automated driving systems. You will find two of these applications in the following publications:
- Fahrenkrog, F., Wang, L., Platzer, T., Fries, A., Raisch, F., Kompaß, K. (2019): Prospective Safety Effectiveness Assessment of Automated Driving Functions – from the Methods to the Results, ESV Conference 2019, Eindhoven, NL.
- Fahrenkrog F., Drees L., Raisch F. (2023): Implications of the positive risk balance on the development of automated driving. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24:sup1, pages S124-S130. ►
Over the last years, further results of the application of the Stochastic Cognitive Model have been presented at numerous national and international conferences.
The SCM was presented at the following conferences:
- AHFE (Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) 2024, Nice 22-27 July
- TRB International Conference on Roadside Safety, Orlando 25 June 2024
- Tagung Automatisiertes Fahren, TUM + TÜV Süd, Munich 7-8 December 2023
- Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility November 2023, Aachen
- FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China, Chongqing, 2023
- TÜV Süd Tagung, Munich, 2023
- Auto[nom]Mobil / Safety Week, Würzburg, 2023
- International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Yokohama, 2023
- VDI-Kongress SIMVEC, Baden Baden, 2022
- Aachen Colloquium, Aachen, 2022
- VDI Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit, Berlin, 2022
- SAE Government/Industry Meeting, 2022
- IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Aachen, 2022 (video link!)
- ICA Summit, Munich, 2021
- ACI Mobility Summit, Braunschweig, 2021
- AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation, Orlando, 2018
- IEDAS Conference, Ingolstadt, 2018
- Graz Symposium, Graz, 2018
- Workshop Kognitive Systeme, Braunschweig, 2018
- TÜV Süd Tagung Fahrerassistenz, Munich 2017
- IEDAS Conference, Essen, 2017
- Aachen Colloquium, Aachen, 2017
The SCM will be presented at the following upcoming events:
- TÜV Süd Tagung Automatisiertes Fahren, Munich, 2023
SCM has been developed by the contributions of the following parties:
- AMFD GmbH, Dresden
- In-tech GmbH, München
- REK Consulting, Otterfing

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