One Young World The Hague


From 17-20 October 2018, for the third time, the BMW Group sent a delegation of young employees to the One Young World Summit, which was held this year in The Hague. At a different location each year, the future congress hosted by the organisation One Young World (OYW) brings together leaders and talents from global companies to promote networking and exchange on the most pressing global issues for the future. As in 2017, Peter Schwarzenbauer, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, once again addressed the young participants in a keynote speech.

One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague


The 36 BMW Group delegates discussed sustainable perspectives for cross-cutting social and ecological issues with the other participants. Responsible conduct, both in the interest of society and within the company’s own value chain, is firmly established in the BMW Group’s corporate culture, not least through its sustainability strategy. The company has always trusted in the ideas and pioneering spirit of the younger generation and invests accordingly in training new managers. The goals of the BMW Group therefore go hand in hand with the vision of One Young World.

Impressions from The Hague.

Under the motto “Purpose”, Peter Schwarzenbauer, as official “counsellor” to the OYW event, talked in his keynote speech about his vision of the leadership culture of the future.
“Purpose” also serves as the theme for the BMW Group delegation 2018. Their agenda also featured a discussion with Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus.

The One Young World event is an excellent platform for raising awareness among young managers and motivating them to make a personal contribution to their social and professional environment. This year, I have once again been impressed by the enthusiasm our young talents bring to their commitment and furthering their ideas. They are not only creating added value for us as a company, but also for wider society.
Peter Schwarzenbauer
Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG and supporter of the One Young World event
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague
One Young World The Hague

Thank you to ONE YOUNG WORLD for the image rights.

Page Overview: One Young World - The Hague