Employees in production

Employees of BMW Group.

Employees in production

Employees of BMW Group.

At the BMW Group, our employees are the foundation of our success. Their expertise, diversity and commitment are unique. In return, we offer them secure, attractive jobs and comprehensive training and development.

21.7 %


Our employees come from different backgrounds and bring a variety of perspectives to what we do. And that’s our strength: because in our view, the diversity and individuality of every team member makes us more innovative and competitive. A diverse setup is fundamental to our capacity to understand the needs of our stakeholders worldwide and deliver products that ignite passion and win hearts.

So, how do we ensure our employees can flourish and contribute their talents? Back in 2010 the BMW Group Board of Management made a commitment to diversity across the company, with a comprehensive concept. Our culture of appreciation and equity is a given and established in various company guidelines.


Ilka Horstmeier
Working at the BMW Group means taking responsibility – far beyond our own factory gates: for our society, the environment and all our stakeholders. Our employees make personal mobility electric, digital and circular. That’s what we are contributing for a better future. And it’s what drives us – every day.
Ilka Horstmeier
Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, People and Real Estate, Labour Relations Director


As a multinational, we attach great importance to having different personalities, characteristics, backgrounds, skills, ways of thinking and ways of life among our ranks. Because in our view, different perspectives give us the strength we need to rise to future challenges.

For diversity to be able to unfold its full potential, equity and inclusion are important prerequisites. We can only benefit from diversity if we offer all employees the same opportunities and involve them all equally.

We want to strengthen diversity in the BMW Group. Our focus are the dimensions gender, age and experience, cultural background, sexual orientation and identity, and physical and mental abilities.



For us, equity is not just a promise, it’s something we live by – every day. In the field of gender, we have a special focus on promoting parity between the sexes.

By 2025 the BMW Group wants to increase the share of women both in our workforce as a whole and in leadership positions worldwide from 20 to 22 percent. As we do so, BMW AG is striving for a 17 to 19 percent share of females in the workforce generally and 19 to 21 percent in management positions.

A number of measures and programmes are in place to help us achieve this.

In 2024 we were the proud recipients of the seal of approval from the Frauen-Karriere-Index (FKi) – evidence of our success in consistently fostering women and diversity across our organisation.

To help women connect and share their experiences, we have a number of women’s networks in-house. But to strengthen our commitment to gender diversity even further, we work closely with external partners as well. These are the Bündnis für Frauen in MINT-Berufen, which focuses on women in STEM, PANDA – the Women Leadership Network and the anti-sexism alliance Bündnis gemeinsam gegen Sexismus.


The BMW Group is fully aware of the challenges of demographic change, but we also see the opportunities it offers, as it allows life and work experiences to be combined in a productive way. That’s why we foster intergenerational collaboration. Since 2019 our Senior Experts programme, for example, has provided a suitable arrangement for retirees to share their knowledge and experience with younger colleagues. We also train our managers to ensure they have the skills they need to lead mixed-age teams.

For our younger team members, we run a range of programmes specifically for upcoming generations. These include not just the solid grounding of apprenticeships in about 30 professions but also a range of measures designed to foster students and young professionals. Here too, an equal share of female participants is a matter very close to our hearts, and so we try encourage girls to nurture an interest in technical subjects from an early age. This is done via a range of measures, such as participating in Girls’ Day, the Junior Campus at Munich’s BMW Welt and the Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin, #EmpowerGirl and the BayFID initiative.

Age and experience
Physical and mental ability


We offer inclusive and accessible workplaces for our colleagues – regardless of physical or mental disabilities – and ensure everyone feels equally comfortable and able to contribute their talents from their various perspectives. Our goal is for every team member to flourish to their full potential, including the help of the opportunities of digitalisation and Industry 4.0.

Outside the company, we are committed to cooperations with recognised workshops for people with disabilities. We also advocate for inclusion and diversity as a member of the Valuable 500.


At the BMW Group, people from more than 110 different countries work together. Their cultural diversity gives us a better understanding of the different needs of our customers and partners worldwide and allows us to tailor our activities accordingly. But it also helps us to respond quickly and flexibly to the requirements of the labour market. We firmly believe that a working environment should be free from prejudice and a place where employees experience appreciation and acceptance. Our intercultural collaboration is supported by a range of CPD, skills training and further education programmes. For our younger talents around the world, we run our dedicated AcceleratiON and MOVE programmes.

Cultural background
Sexual orientation and identity


To us, diversity also means practising a culture in which people of different sexual orientations and identities can contribute and flourish. To help us achieve that, we established the BMW Group PRIDE network, which acts as the voice of the LGBTIQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) community within our organisation and focuses on trust, openness and acceptance. Together, we ensure an open-minded, tolerant, constructive working environment in which everyone is welcome, no matter their personal orientation or identity.

This self-image is also something we project to the outside world. We are a member of the Prout at Work Foundation’s PROUT EMPLOYER network and a signatory of the UN Standards of Conduct for Business for Tackling Discrimination Against LGBTI People.


The BMW Group’s global commitment to diversity is not just limited to the five dimensions outlined above. We always keep an eye on the big picture, because only when all employees are free to develop their talents can new ideas and sustainable success be achieved. This requires a working environment that is free of prejudice and values all employees equally, regardless of gender and sexual identity, ethnic background and nationality, mental or physical ability, religion or worldview, age, social background and sexual orientation. That’s why, back in 2011, we signed the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt), as a member. We constantly strive to maintain a corporate culture that fosters open-mindedness and mutual respect as well as equal opportunities – and are actively against discrimination of any kind.


Charta der Vielfalt

Charta der Vielfalt e.V.

We have been involved with the Diversity Charter since 2011. It’s an employer initiative that promotes the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in corporate culture. By signing up and becoming a member, we have officially committed to creating a working environment that is free from prejudice.

Prout at Work


The PROUT AT WORK Foundation considers itself an advisor and influential force around queerness at work. Its strategic consultations supports and guides people, networks and businesses, helping to shape society now and in the future.

Valuable 500

The Valuable 500.

The Valuable 500 is a global business initiative with the aim of putting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the focus of corporate governance.

Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus

Bündnis "Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus".

This anti-sexism alliance aims to call out and take effective action against sexism and sexual harassment. This approach is founded in the firm commitment to creating an open and modern society of equal opportunities.

Bündnis für Frauen in MINT-Berufen

Bündnis für Frauen in MINT Berufen.

This alliance compromises more than 340 organisations and advocates for women in STEM professions. The aim is to get more girls and women involved in the sciences, technology and computer in science.



BayFID is a talent programme for women in digital professions in Bavaria. It sets out to inspire more young women to pursue careers in the digital sector and nurture their passion.


Our fundamental understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) provides the foundation for our global activities. Yet, the way we implement DEI varies from country to country. The situation and legal background differ in the various areas where the BMW Group is active – meaning different action points need to be tackled in each one.

Find out more about diversity at the BMW Group in the BMW Group Report.




Nurturing and maintaining the health of our employees is extremely important to us – and it’s the reason we take care to design suitable working environments. When it comes to keeping fit and healthy, we support our employees to do as much as they can themselves, but also to make use of our holistic health service, which is available to them all. Our Health Initiative educates our staff and raises awareness around issues such as diet, exercise, mental health and addiction prevention. Activities focus on regularly changing campaigns, in-house fitness centres and regular action days, dialogue events and training courses.

Plus, the fact that we maintain high standards of occupational health and safety goes without saying. And in many locations, we even go above and beyond what is legally required.

Employee Engagement.

Social engagement is integral to the lives of many BMW Group employees. They take social challenges seriously and get involved by volunteering outside their working hours, on their own initiative and without remuneration. The nature of their involvement also varies, from selective team activities on so-called Social Days to long-term commitments to specific projects. They often put their professional skills to good use and sometimes even develop ideas for social businesses.


Page Overview: Employees